Response to the outraged cadres and foot soldiers of the saboteurs

Feyissa Woyessa (Sweden)       

I have been reading and listening to the tirades and smear campaigns of the cadres and foot soldiers of the saboteurs, Dr. Birhanu Nega and Ato Andargachew Tsige. Although one has to avoid sinking and hitting the rock bottom like they have done,I have found it important to make some remarks on their recent postings in which they have expressed their outrage regarding the crisis in Kinijit. I have also resorted to name calling (which should be avoided in a civilized political discourse) for understandable reasons.

It is crystal clear that the recruitment, use and dispatching of cadres is the tactic of leftist political elements who are eying on the power corridors and employ any means at their disposal to get there. The groundwork for the current debacle in kinijit was laid by the saboteur and former servant of the TPLF, ato Andargachew Tsige.

He has been very active in recruiting and enlisting cadres and foot soldiers among the immigrant Ethiopian communities in Western Europe and Australia. It can be stated that the bulk of his cadres and foot soldiers are low achievers in terms of their careers and educational levels despite living in the west for years. They know that they will have a limited stake or role in the reconstruction of a democratic and free Ethiopia. Therefore, it is important for them to march and serve serve as cliques for the saboteurs and vacillators contending for political power in Ethiopia. It means they are in the business of baking their future bread and can not be different from the greedy traitors serving Meles Zenawi of the EPLF. The saboteurs, Dr. Birhanu and ato Andargachew are now commanding and operating a network of blindly loyal and anti-opposition cadres and foot soldiers in the US and western Europe. The main mission of these human tools is to attack, demonise, smear political or public figures who have are standing firm against our enemy the TPLF. In so doing their saboteur launchers believe that they would be able to sabotage or undermine our genuine struggle for democracy and freedom in Ethiopia. I think that is why their cadres and foot soldiers are behaving like aggressive dogs let loose by their owners and biting in their own way any person they see getting in their way. If these human tools have the moment to use their brains and see the political reality, they would find out that their commanders and launchers (the saboteurs) had been serving and benefiting from their association with the TPLF one way or the other. On the other hand, Ethiopians know pretty well that the heroes or figures they try to demonise or smear have been struggling consistently and indefatigably against the TPLF the saboteurs were serving. It has been possible for the saboteurs and their running dogs to infiltrate or join Kinijit which has sought and achieved unparalleled degree of inclusiveness and broadness. I appreciate the bold steps and good will of Enginer Hailu Shawel in this regard though backfiring at the moment. His decision to merge with the infantile, disparate and quickly patched up party like Kestedemena shows his vision and dedication to prioritizing national interest. Only the enemies of Ethiopia and their servants dare to insult and demonise figures who have sacrificed so much of their own and their organization for the sake of the country its citizens. The assaults being coordinated and launched by the saboteurs to undermine and wrest our struggle should not be tolerated and justifiable by any means. The time has come for Kinijit to cleanse itself of the saboteurs who have not broken loose with the TPLF and want to kidnap Kinijit.      

Published in: on January 5, 2008 at 12:32 am  Comments (62)  

Blind Folly –Response to Alethia & Fekade Shewakena

 By Getachew Reda            

This article was sent to Addis Voice website (Abeeb Gelaw) after the editor suggested to me to prepare it as an article and send it to him to be posted after I checked his discussion forum to respond to articles posted there and was too long & off the limited words allowed for the forum. Please see the attached email exchange at the bottom after you read the article why he decided to not post it.           

What Does the Kinjit Crisis Need: Dialogue or Outrage?” by Fekade Shewakena & the other article “Reflections on Fekade Shewakena’s article” By Alethia;  posted on Addis Voice website bothered me a bit on  lack of frankness on their appeal to the public.  Both articles seemed to involve deep in self deception of analysis dealing only with the wrongs of Eng. Hailu Shawul by portraying their group as “Group of Saints” while portraying the chairman as a liar.            

Tagging the chairman as a “Liar”, others disciplined democrat or the name calling business wasn’t what bothered me this time as it used to before. What bothered me was, this: – ‘knowing, that their people “Berhanu/Birtukan” group (the BB- Group) disobeying the appeal of the chairman to stop the widening disunity of the Diaspora community, while continued dismayed many of us by embedded themselves with a net work of liars and manipulative campaigns through out their two months of the show of the “Drama of the Elite” which caused more disunity, dismay and new animosity and hate among old friends and members of the organization worst ever occurred (and imagined to end their drama accomplishing disunity and hate among us (even I and my good old friend who operate a website stopped communicating because of their modification of division-we became the latest victims of their drama- “divide and destroy”!).         

These folks, even knowing and seeing the bad out come and division among the Diaspora members and none members as the result of their unacceptable partisan tour lead by a belligerence behavior lying on stage, on public was surprisingly portrayed as popular speech. Something like that could have given a genuine mind a pause. Unfortunately, for many of them such performance never was taken as a problem.        

Speaking about lying, and liars: – If Alethia or Fekade or any of the likes took the chairman as a liar, why do they portray Berhanu or Bertukan as genuine? I am just giving this argument, because Alethia seemed to act neutral, though at the same time, tagged the Engneer as a liar. Fekade or Alethia, knew and remember well, that when Berhanu Negga was asked openly on stage-on public gathering, if Andargachew Tsige, was recommended by him to be selected to a higher stage and a member of the CUDP party, where he (Andargachew) served a very questionable and divisive service here in the Diaspora; — Berhanu denied of any wrong doing and dismissed it as a lie! While, Andargachew confessed honestly, that he was recommended by Berhanu, not by proper election but by delimitations (selected, fixed) while on his absence. (He was not living in Ethiopia at the time, he left Ethiopia for abroad to live in Europe/USA).             

Who is genuine here? Is this not a lie? Berhanu said something in contrary to the facts, and Andargachew said something to the contrary of what was been denied by Berhanu. Who is lying here? Andargachew or Berhanu? One of them is lying. Both can’t be right, since, both have a conflict and contradictory argument for one question. If so, is it proper for a capable people such as Fekade Shewakena and Alethia came to surprised us with their question asking the public  Quote;     “One way of standing on the Kinjit crisis is by condemning a wrong action by its name, calling it wrong, by expressing our outrage against a wrongness of an action whoever performs such a wrong action. Fekade shares his frustration and outrage as he also wonders as to how we, Ethiopians, came to fail as a society as we are too tolerant for lies, moral failures, etc., when he says, “We have an amazing tolerance for white lies, hearsays, innuendos and the character assassination of good people and even fan some of these back as truths. I really don’t know where we got this from. A community of people often places boundaries and declares some things unacceptable and off limits in its normal social or political discourses?” End Quote.Though, amazingly, Fekade Shewakena is telling us to call a spade the spade, while he was argued before this time, he can’t call a spade- a spade, because he have no enemy. Leave this aside and let us go to the situation he and Alethia are arguing points.             

Could someone tell me if Fekade Shewakena or Alethia condemning wrong action by its name, calling it wrong by expressing outrage against a wrongness of an action whoever performs it, the way they urge us to express our ? Did you see Fekade or Alethia condemned Berhanu or Andargachew for lying in many different times in different cases? Or did you ever heard them appealing to Berhanu to stop going to school  and return back to the struggle after he finished his tour, for the reason clear the sky is still darker and the Sun is still unseen in the Ethiopian horizons yet? Why is he wasting his time and brain coming to San Jose, California and other US cities even after he finished his mission tour of division? It is clear that Meles or Sebhat or Berket or Agazi do not live here in California. They live in Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa and Tigray. Could not that be worth his tour be taken to Mekele, Adua, Addis Ababa, Bahirdar……..and remote villages? That is where the research is if he needed more Doctoral research and gain more trust by Ethiopians in Ethiopia. All he will get by touring here in San Jose or elsewhere is a group of “mouth” replica of the fanatic Eritrean community (used to be years back) who acts as the stand by soldiers, but in reality, will not volunteer to go to Addis Ababa to risk their life if a call was to be made. But acted like group of sport fan lovers, waving flowers and green leafs taking politics as the Monday night football game out here, with the habit of ridiculing the other player no matter they understand how their player ludicrously is playing out in the field;- there is always an excuse to justify the violation.                 

My people: – how long could you let these elite run your engine of thinking?  Is it a Watergate era scandal, where the crook admitted done wrong and resigned, simultaneously, while showed defensive and belligerence attitude, declaring “I am not a crook!”? If he is not a crook, why couldn’t he go to Ethiopia to organize what he spoke loudly in theory to his supporters than going to school here without declaring resignation from the struggle? Why did Fekade or Alethia failed to say things as it is to Berhanu and ask him “to do what he preached”             

This is a folly. It is not only a folly, but a blind folly. Blind folly occurs when a capable person appears oblivious to do something silly. This seems to involve deep self-deception.  Instead of trying to step out of the situation genuinely, or retreat back rationally, they called everyone “stupid”“When the “Stupid” is Smarter than “them”. The fact is, when we the stupid is smarter than them; we became suspicious of the elite and know not to rely on them. Do not get me wrong. Smart people can’t be stupid, but they sure can be foolish. And we witnessing as the result of their foolishness how the crisis they created is bankrupting them very, very fast. Not only, the personal image they had, but also they bankrupted and damage the unity and the struggle at the same time.           

In the past,   I remember, Fekade Shewakena tried to explain to us how the train in the Metro Dc left the lazy late passenger in related to his punctual, fastest, youngest group to compare the old and slow group of Hailu shawel. I just want to use this opportunity to respond to his rhetoric Metro DC train here. Indeed, if the train left you, you could always catch the next one than the folly inpatient group driver that collided with the upcoming train who apparently destroying himself and his crew by tried to beat the train by swerving around the closed gates. This happened all the time not to foolish people, but to smart people who lied to themselves, that they could beat death.         

Readers: no matter how these groups told us their group scored/registered the highest celebrity image in the Diaspora, for god sake, please compare the crisis they brought to us here and currently also to the struggle in Ethiopia. I say their perception of the current situation as an illusory reality. It is better to be none defensive than to still be defensive and belligerent knowing sooner or later reality will catch up with them.

Please read the following exchange between the editor of Addis Voice website Ato Abebe Gelaw and me regarding this article. Judge it for yourself what tone down meant when it came down to someone who the BB media do not like it <

Dear Ato Abbe:To begin with and honestly speaking I was never had a hope you are the editor who could be the voice of all voice to serve. But, because, you gave a suggestion, I did, I thought you were decent when you suggested such. I am puzzled (though not too much) and surprised by your suggestion saying “it needs to be toned down”, when you posted articles who insulted the chairman Hailu Shaul calling “a Liar”, how in the world your eye was so sharp to see my article and decided to tell me to toned it down?>  

Getachew Reda+ <In a message dated 1/2/2008 4:56:20 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Dear Ato Getachew, We have read your article and feel that it needs to be toned downed. We appreciate if you can do try so. The other alternative is for us to edit the article in line with our editorial policy. 

 Regards Addis Voice>

Ato Abebe, you need to be neutral, if you think article should be toned down according to your editorial rules, your friends’ articles should have been told the same. Unfortunately,  “Yeblang Lewledesh Enjji Yagebashis Yifetashal” Yilal Yagere Yama Sew!

Ethiopia will prevail! 

Published in: on January 3, 2008 at 3:04 pm  Comments (47)  

In Memory of Comrade Samuel (Amharic pdf)

Published in: on January 2, 2008 at 12:26 am  Leave a Comment  

Poem in Memory of Comrade Samuel Alemayehu (Amharic)

Published in: on January 1, 2008 at 4:53 pm  Leave a Comment  

I have no Enemy! Reality or denial?

By Getachew Reda

I am not referring to the Eritrean Jehovah Witnesses who defied the1993 Eritrea’s referendum and declined participating in the military service claimed they do not have enemy base on their religion. These once I am talking about are Ethiopian peaceful opposition top leaders.

The attitude I have no enemy reality or denial, such attitude is becoming the latest “faith”, and it is spreading fast. Who are the Ethiopian enemies we are talking about? Ethiopian enemies are numerous, the very active enemies who proved themselves such are TPLF/OLF/EPLF.  All their programs are carefully arranged to carry anti Ethiopia’s interest. Their crimes ranged from national treason, to mass and individual murders, dismantling the social, cultural fabric of the country, to the extent calculated murder that included of school children.

What triggered this article is the debate/interview    hosted by Netsanet Le Ethiopioa Radio with its guest Dr.Fekade Shewakena (BB- support group), addressing the question “Can we see /call EPRDF an enemy? If not, why not?” was the topic. His answer was “no, we can’t. I do not have enemy” (his answer was similar to that of Dr.Berhanu Nega’s on VOA). According to this faith, the theory “know your enemy” has no place since they do not categorize anyone as enemy, including the most notorious criminals who committed national treason and ethnic cleansing “OLF, TPLF, EPLF”. In short, there is no word called “enemy” known in their vocabulary.

It is all very sad to hear enemies we known so well who buried human-beings alive (Read Amora authored by Gidey Bahreshum page 207-209 –victims buried alive- Habte Gebretensay- , Teklay G/meskel-  Ataklti Seyoum -, Weyzero Ataklti Minchira (this last one is a lady) crime done by TPLF, the current Prime Minister of Ethiopia/EPRDF

Roasted on fire alive as a routine torture by TPLF torturers- Victims -1- Ato Gebrelibanos Mezgebo (elderly father of many children, shot to death while on sleep after several days of torture roasted on fire-)- 2- Ato Gezai Reda –elderly man still alive outside Ethiopia released from the torture and hellish prison after he was told I could bail himself out by paying them Birr 15,000 (then the equivalent of $7,500 U.S. dollars).  *the payment receipt given to him while he was released still obtained and kept for the record on his possession)- Read my article written “TRUE  STORY – The harrowing stories of TPLF mass murders in Tigrai as told by a surviving elder By Getachew Reda Nov 12, 2003 .” 
“…..The next morning Ato Gezai was interrogated as an accomplice of the Teranafit rebel group which TPLF saw as a sworn enemy. On the second day, they woke Ato Gezai up, took him out, and tied his hands behind his back against a tree, and set a pile of firewood between his legs. He was fixed to a tree trunk as the TPLF guys used tight ropes and wires to wrap him by. They started the fire between his legs, and Gezai Reda’s long journey into the world of hell controlled by TPLF starts in earnest. As a thick smoke chokes Ato Gezai, the fire has already created blisters all over his body. Out of desperation, he shouted “Kidus Michael! Kidus Michael…” His torturers heard what he said, and started to make fun of him. The torturers picked up two small rocks and rubbed the stones against each other and, mockingly, asked their victim: “Can you see your St. Michael in these stones?”

Crime by OLF (Just a few Sample out of the many crimes it committed) Sample taken from ”The Hidden Massacre of Amharas & Christians in Arsi,” Compiled and distributed by Ethiopian Information Service Network (S.H.I.N.E), Amsterdam, December 4, 1991 NOVEMBER 2, 1991:

On this very area (DIBU and GIGAN areas) the OLF opened fire beginning at 7 am thereby killing more than 1000 (one thousand people). The homes and properties of 16 peasant associations and their individual members were looted, pillaged and the rest set on fire by the OLF. The genocide which took place on this day was extremely horrendous and barbaric. For example, the OLF members after having forced two Christian elders to say “Allah Weaker” against their religious belief, have blind-folded these two elders with a piece of cloth and slaughtered them like animals and thrown them in front of the doorsteps of SAINT MIKAEL (MICHEL) CHURCH at GINGA.

NOVEMBER 5, 1991:

In a peasant association known as GOBENU CHAKA with the exception of 16 houses with corrugated roofs, all the remaining 116 houses (one hundred sixteen) were burnt down. While houses in the above -mentioned areas were set on fire, children and old people housed in these homes were also burnt alive. Those who were strong and tried to escape from the burning houses were shot at and the ones who survived have fled to an unknown direction. Within these two days, in these two districts alone property worth millions of Birr, accumulated over centuries has been destroyed. More than one thousand homes were burnt down. Schools and churches in the districts have been looted and pillaged. Parts of these schools and churches have also been burnt down. At this moment, in the whole sub-province 197 (one hundred ninety seven elementary and junior high schools as well as 2 (two) high schools, thus a total of 199 (one hundred ninety nine) schools are closed. While a school teacher in the district of MERTI had been killed, the remaining teachers have fled the area. With the exception of government offices in the sub-provincial capital, all government offices in other parts of the sub-province have been looted and closed. The culprits or the people responsible for this serious massacre (genocide) of people and the destruction of property are:

1) Mr. Kassim Hussien representative of the OLF in ARSI administrative region.

2) Mr. Abiyu Gilo representative of the OLF in the district of MERTI, HOMBA area.

3) Mr. Mohammed Kebir Adem otherwise known as Mohammed Moye a rich merchant in the district of Guna and member of the OLF.

4) Mr. Adem Abdulahi a very rich merchant of GEGU district and member of the OLF.

These four people are the general commanders and coordinators.

The following people are members of the OLF and commanders of the army who master-minded and led the OLF army that perpetrated these above-mentioned atrocities): 1) Mr. Sultan Kedir 2-Mr.Reshad Feto 3-Mr.Ahmed Amane  4-Tutuna Kedir 5-Gibriel Sheik Muktar 6) Mr. Geylana Hagihum  7) Mr. Sikuare Sane. While OLF still remains loops and unaccountable –still vowing to destroy Ethiopia and establish Oromia from the under-ruinous of the Empire State (Ethiopia).

Those groups with all the mentioned crime do not conceder as enemies and works of the enemies in the eye of Fekade Shewakena, Berhanu Nega and the rest of the peaceful change seekers. It is alarming situation for all of us when terrorists who committed the above hideous TROCITY such as OLF are considered by Fekade Shewakena as the “Freedom Fighters”. Fekade on his article (The Competition of the TPLF and EPLF for Good looks- By Fekade Shewakena-It (EPRDF) is accusing all freedom fighters who refuse to be subjugated including the OLF”.). In that article Fekade is defending “the Freedom Fighter”-OLF-  after EPRDF/TPLF accusing OLF for planting 34 bombs (exploded) in Addis Ababa alone after the TPLF security channel found out the 12 strictures (members with different mission) in which the conspirators themselves were victims of their own explosion.

I will live this up to the victims of the OLF atrocity mentioned above if they were going to call OLF Freedom Fighters or terrorist, thugs and criminals based on the record clear to every decent mind to judge.

The peaceful change advocates also not only Fekade or Berhanu but there are other prominent educated Ethiopians like Dr. Getachew Metaferia who advice us with in his arguments  in EEDN discussion forum  on June 17 2003, saying

“The choice between armed or peaceful struggle is another controversial issue that some raised and discussed. An armed struggle is supported to free countries from the bondage of colonialism. This is not the case of Ethiopia. Ours is a struggle to replace a regime that has caused immense sufferings to our people. We can not call for armed struggle whenever our leader’s mal-administer, abuse their power, and fail to protect national interest”. In this position, these educated sectors are telling the Ethiopian people- that this requiem committing atrocity is not conceder enemy as a foreign power from outside. What does foreign power do worst than what we have noticed at the above file recorded? Let me bring Fekade’s his own word if such system should or shouldn’t be conceder equal with outsider’s abuse.

I never knew narrow ethnic nationalism could turn healthy people into complete fascists. “ (In the same article mentioned above).

 Thanks to them (EPRDF) all we have succeeded in having a mini Rwanda in south west Ethiopia. I thought Rwanda would be the last place that I have to apologize to humanity for being an African. I am now to apologize for being an Ethiopian too” (on the case of Oromo Students at the AAU- (by Fekade Shewakena)

Ladies and gentlemen- Our sisters/mothers cried “Alekin! Alekin!” (We are finished! We are finished!). We still couldn’t figure out what to call this unnamed monster whether to call him enemy or to fight him with a rifle since we have leaders who are confusing us in between the cry of the mothers help.

A crime is done, only a crime that you expect to be done by outside force/system. Unfortunately, they are from inside calling themselves under the guise name “freedom fighters” calling themselves -OLF, TPLF, EPLF- Such crimes are committed only by the powerful who committed them in order to see how far they can go before they, on their turn, are punished. There is always somebody powerful enough to punish criminals.

Only Meles, Isayas and the gangs Ku-Klux Klaner “the Big Boys of OLF” are above the greatest criminals be punished. They are the greatest criminals. But, there is little or no morality to speak. Because political oppositions are craving “love” these monster enemies. 

Each of these thuggish parties program is formed on language base, blood /ethnic base administration. This is Fascism! 53 years (1933-1983 Ethiopian Calendars) after buried, fascism has come out of grave rest, healthy, blood thirst. Ethnic fascists have been having a field while the educated stood by it calling it “not an enemy”. There is other name to call such monster but to call it Fascism! And fascism is enemy as Fekade called this enemy’s‘s narrow nationalist followers “fascists” (on his above mentioned article).  Indeed, it is fascism, and it doesn’t not wear any masks any more (listen to OLF members through their Pal Talk and the OLF policy and its leader’s speech the mission they have to Ethiopia).

It is destruction, it is the ethnic cleansing, the dismantling of Ethiopia to ashes as the daily slogan and mission of such barbaric organizations. It is therefore important to alert society what this barbaric fascistic party are thinking and saying about the Ethiopian people and its future existence. Unless we inform society categorizing the nature and mission of the enemy it is cooking against them. After the enemy destroy and commit atrocity as it did several times, we too are direct or indirect accomplice /contributors to the misery and conspiracy. One need not sophisticated eye to see there was great conspiracy and fascism going on against different people in Ethiopia by the mentioned parties to destroy the fabric and ethics and religion of the country. If we stood by and let these fascists get away with it by calling them “freedom Fighters”, we too are part of the crime for not exposing them and took them to international court of law for accountability to the atrocity they commit against poor farmers and children, pregnant mothers and elders. Some of you think you do not have enemy, I say – lucky you! I have plenty of enemies as Ethiopia is surrounded by enemies. It is the matter of time that Ethiopia will prevail!

Published in: on January 1, 2008 at 4:12 pm  Comments (32)  

Democracy Activists Disappeared in Ethiopia since 1991

Published in: on January 1, 2008 at 1:32 am  Leave a Comment