Response to the outraged cadres and foot soldiers of the saboteurs

Feyissa Woyessa (Sweden)       

I have been reading and listening to the tirades and smear campaigns of the cadres and foot soldiers of the saboteurs, Dr. Birhanu Nega and Ato Andargachew Tsige. Although one has to avoid sinking and hitting the rock bottom like they have done,I have found it important to make some remarks on their recent postings in which they have expressed their outrage regarding the crisis in Kinijit. I have also resorted to name calling (which should be avoided in a civilized political discourse) for understandable reasons.

It is crystal clear that the recruitment, use and dispatching of cadres is the tactic of leftist political elements who are eying on the power corridors and employ any means at their disposal to get there. The groundwork for the current debacle in kinijit was laid by the saboteur and former servant of the TPLF, ato Andargachew Tsige.

He has been very active in recruiting and enlisting cadres and foot soldiers among the immigrant Ethiopian communities in Western Europe and Australia. It can be stated that the bulk of his cadres and foot soldiers are low achievers in terms of their careers and educational levels despite living in the west for years. They know that they will have a limited stake or role in the reconstruction of a democratic and free Ethiopia. Therefore, it is important for them to march and serve serve as cliques for the saboteurs and vacillators contending for political power in Ethiopia. It means they are in the business of baking their future bread and can not be different from the greedy traitors serving Meles Zenawi of the EPLF. The saboteurs, Dr. Birhanu and ato Andargachew are now commanding and operating a network of blindly loyal and anti-opposition cadres and foot soldiers in the US and western Europe. The main mission of these human tools is to attack, demonise, smear political or public figures who have are standing firm against our enemy the TPLF. In so doing their saboteur launchers believe that they would be able to sabotage or undermine our genuine struggle for democracy and freedom in Ethiopia. I think that is why their cadres and foot soldiers are behaving like aggressive dogs let loose by their owners and biting in their own way any person they see getting in their way. If these human tools have the moment to use their brains and see the political reality, they would find out that their commanders and launchers (the saboteurs) had been serving and benefiting from their association with the TPLF one way or the other. On the other hand, Ethiopians know pretty well that the heroes or figures they try to demonise or smear have been struggling consistently and indefatigably against the TPLF the saboteurs were serving. It has been possible for the saboteurs and their running dogs to infiltrate or join Kinijit which has sought and achieved unparalleled degree of inclusiveness and broadness. I appreciate the bold steps and good will of Enginer Hailu Shawel in this regard though backfiring at the moment. His decision to merge with the infantile, disparate and quickly patched up party like Kestedemena shows his vision and dedication to prioritizing national interest. Only the enemies of Ethiopia and their servants dare to insult and demonise figures who have sacrificed so much of their own and their organization for the sake of the country its citizens. The assaults being coordinated and launched by the saboteurs to undermine and wrest our struggle should not be tolerated and justifiable by any means. The time has come for Kinijit to cleanse itself of the saboteurs who have not broken loose with the TPLF and want to kidnap Kinijit.      

Published in: on January 5, 2008 at 12:32 am  Comments (62)  

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62 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Dear Feyissa,

    If you have anything substantive that can reasonably pushed you to accuse your ex compatriots in such a way , please bring it to the table and let us read it. Otherwise please do not waste ur precious time just fot the saking of defaming the exemplary leaders of this generation: name them Andargatchew or Birhanu et al.

    If working together for reedming our beloved country from tyranny with these ppl brings such name of ur so called foot soldier please do not forget to put my name in the list.

    Proud to be foot soldier of the democratic movement,


  2. Dear Feyissa
    May be i could be wrong about your background but the article you wrote and the substance in it stinks just 1977 chorus of the dying but still living part of a generation with out vision to bring anything to the nation.
    Sorry to say it The main character of this generation is to discuss individualities than the main isssue and did not point a single solution to the way out from poverty,pestillence and undemocratic rule prevailing.
    Please do not tell us about recruiting foot soldiers for a party because it is the formula you know during your time but now the door is open and one can apply in different forms and can join a party whichever he supports.What is hectic now a gays is that just to put names like a national team selection but not to discuss the substance. Would you plese come up with issues and discuss them clearly.
    The other thing what you and some chaps always praised personality is one person but what you do not know and recognise is that is he is one of them but is elected to chair them so that they bring good times through the struggle and may be you will be the one who smear him if he is tilting.
    what time and again tell you is that please bring substantial issue and do not waste your time to fame or defame individualities.


  4. · Do you guys remember this argumnt?Given Mr. Andargachew’s recent-past intimate relation with Meles and the gang.

    · Given Mr. Andargachew’s constant vacillation on major political issues,

    · Given his track record of flowing with the wind every decade or so;

    70s = EPRP, 80s = DERG, 90s = EPDRF and Now = 00s = Kinijit

    · Given his inconsistent, unprincipled political stance of the past, the writer legitimately question how much trust followers of Kinijit should bestow upon Andargachew and his leadership. Many of us think it is a fair and legitimate question. I was expecting Andargachew to give reasons and arguments to win the trust and mind of Tessema. Nevertheless Mr. Andargchew refuses to give us a clean straightforward answer to the question and valid explanation to the concern.

    I believe it is the quality of the relationship of leaders and followers that makes or breaks organizations. If this relationship is infected with suspicion the organization is bound to erode and die. It is the duty and responsibility of the parties, leaders and followers, to engage in civilized discourse and eliminate suspicions and build understanding. As a follower, Tessema articulated his fear and concerns. Andargachew as a ‘leader’ should have known his responsibility to address Tessema’s fear and concerns and win his trust. Instead, Andargachew chose to brush it off by rudely labeling the article ‘worthless.. dribble of innuendos and insinuations’. This is scary. Where is ‘respectful discourse with those with differing position’ that used to be preached?

    What is more frightening is the fact that as an individual who glorifies himself as one who grasps the ‘full meaning of Freedom’ more than anyone else, will miss the basic fact that a true leader answers to his/her constituents. Unless he [Andargachew] still think that this is utopia and insinuation of ‘bitter men of yesteryears’?

    Dear Mr. Tsegie,

    Just because you claim to be the ‘hand-picked’ leader of kinijit, Just because you wrote a divisive chorology of events and people that you call book ‘about Netsanet’; Just because you think no one but you ‘fully understand’ the meaning of ‘freedom’ and hence has the right to fight for it in the name of all freedom loving Ethiopians, Just because you believe those who don’t follow your line of shortcut politics are ‘bitter men and women of yesteryears’ doomed to fail, …doesn’t mean that we should tumble down and throw the red carpet for you and accept your word without question. No. We will continue to ask, we will continue to challenge on all areas that don’t add-up. We expect civil answer and explanation to our questions and concerns.

    I hope you will reconcile your ego and utterly obnoxious self serving behaviors and give us straightforward answers to the questions raised on the article. Give us the beef.

    Thank you
    Tilahun, B.

    South East, Washington D.C.

  5. Hellow Friends,
    The writer of the article has all the rights. andergache tsige and berhanu nega ar the new enemy of Ethiopia by collaborating with the woyane bandas.
    These two individuals have been serving the interest of the bandas and therefore the People of Ethiopia muste know their enemies and take unreversable measure.
    Ethiopia Prevails.

  6. Dear Getachew,

    Are you the one who wrote the above consecuative comments in different name and letter formats?

    It is a bleassing in disguise the current kinijit fiasco helped us in knowing the real nature of ur kind of individuals.

    Dear Getachew, why you waste ur time just on defaming one or two personalities? Why you dwell in spending much of your wisdom and time in telling us million times who andargatchew is or birhanu? Do you think all the 25 million and more who casted thier ballot for kinijit did so just for the sake of Hailu’s or Birhanu’s glory?

    Please if you have any reasonble sense do not forget the enemy of Ethiopia: dictatorship. Try to divert your current distructive engagement to a positive one which focuses on issues of higher values.Try to be a stubborn activist of democracy not defamation. Try to imagine a coaliton of parties where ex kinijit ppl merge again to battle TPLF in the future, leaving aside thier past grudges.

    Dear Getachew,your consistent focus on personalities reminded me one story. Around the Millenium one Ethiopian scholar came to my area for panel discussion on Ethiopian history and its implication on the future. For two or three hours he blamed the kinijit leadership for this and that ignorance he imagined. What i concluded is the man felt so miserable bc he is not among the popular names of the current movement.

    Whenever I read your articles i feel the same. You may have did a lot but no one dare to recognize your efforts while glorifying names like Birhanu, Andargachew , Birtukan etc. Now you are seeking glory in bad form. Since most of what you wrote are documented ,one day , some ppl may glorify you for the failed efforts of defamation and charachter assasination as tools of political.

    Praying to read stg good in the name of Getachew Reda,


  7. all these reprobate toothless EPRPs got is a long menta milas bicha!! and no brain i might…just like Sibhat G/egziabher described it in ” fer’on siso zina ”

  8. I have noticed time and again the argument of the BB GROUP(this is the short hand name )to complain about avoiding name calling or what they call”charcter assassination”. Their other argument is only to discuss on “political issues”, which is vague or not to their liking.All their complaints and know-it-all attitude emanets from the fact that their “spirtiual Leader” contempt and almost non-existant proud history of the 1970’s popular struggle. Berhaun Nega and Andargachew Tsige are the epitome of opportunist trend that has grown to the art form in our present body politics. These two young men were drown by the wave of the popular nature of the struggle and joined EPRP through its youth wing. With a combination of sheer luck and manipulation, they have survived by jumping from one organization to another always at the 11th hour. Their luck may run out pretty soon for they have accumlated a long history of treachery.These two individuals never have devloped a singular and independent outlook worthy of being a member of a party or an organiaztion. They have always been an appendage to or associated with the recent seemingly popular orgization or trend of politcal thought. When the going gets know what I mean? We will see their staying power after the split which the Kestdamena may anointe itself some exoitc name. The tragedy of this exersice is they have blind TRUE BELEVERS. Almost all of them are outside of Ethiopia. Western Europe,NW USA,MetroDC area etc.
    The BB groups’ nightmare is loosing their grip on these true believers some of them borderline fanatics.
    When other patriotic and militant writers expose the dirty history of these individuals it will have some effect on their flocks. It will have a dripping effect to erode the credibilty of the “LEADERS”. That is why it is very important to back up every accusations with supporting evidence(see for eg.ETHIO LION VIDEO CAPTIONs).
    So they do not want to talk about HISTORY. THE “lEADERS” INSTUCTIONS to look down on elederly individuals as “wasted”- good for nothibg is in fact contrary to the most valued Ethiopian Tradiation,reverence of our elders. They skillfully manuvered the gullibeable by helding the 1970’s generation as responsible for the present disaster, hence the call for the new generation. Notice here the “Leaders”are themselves in their early 50’s and 60’s and are excluding themseleves. This policy does resemble or may be coordinated with woyane dis-informaiton secuity agents to disasociate the Ethiopian youth from its natural forbearance,EPRP. NOTICE here too, the organiztion(EPRP) was formed by the then Ethiopian youth.Imaging a youth movment who rejects its own history and expect to lead a sturggle for a better outcome.
    Last but not least,they are not a good students of, “if you can not handle the heat stay out of the kitchen.” The BB group start accusing or crtitsizing some one or some thing often by pretendind as an objective observer. When some one exposes their bias or produce evidence of ther non-imprtiality they cry foul and resort to blaming unrelated facts like the web page it appears on or the “usual suspct”,EPRP.

    The dogs are barking incessantly,but the CAMEL KEEPS ON WALKING.


    To the KIL/Andargachew foot washers;


  10. On January 6, 2008 at 4:57 am GETACHEW REDA Said:
    Please listen to the pathetic Dr. Ycob Hailemariam on the fake EPLF/TPLF border commmission. He said, we will accept the border commission decision. At the same time, he is supporting the Mles sit and discuss. How pathetic! this nut monkey lawyer is telling the Tigrayans/Ethiopians tpo accept the TPLF/EPLF border comission instead of advising refuse to accept it. He is jabering here and ther talking Emperor Tedros while he is talking to accept the faked border commission. He sais Eritreans need to leave Assab. You asked him how. His response is myth!myth! Ye Ethiopia Muhran -crap crap another crap add to that you will get another crap!

  11. from Getachew Reda
    Stay tune for my next article will be posted about the mediocre international lawyer regarding the fake border commissionMeles Zenawi, Dump the 2000 Algiers Agreement,
    and Invalidate, Terminate, and Void the Boundary Commission and Its Decision

  12. Much has been said on the treacherous act, nature and history of Birhanu and Andargachew(Andargachew is a man who write an excellent text book for TPLF that deals and advice how to eliminate, degrade and undermine the Amhara people as a whole.)
    As all concerned Ethiopians know from their acts and associations, their strategy is to uproot patriotism from the lands of Ethiopia so as to be driven to their unbounded desire.
    Desire of power, desire of money with the helps of TPLF and some Ethiopian natural enemy that pays a lot for such paid agents.
    To prove how my statement fits to those individuals please everybody discuse, recall what their dead was inside kinijit .
    Would you tell me the reason why they are defaming and degrading Ethiopian elders by using their same like ethipian review,addis and others?
    Would you expound me why they left from Addis to USA by leaving at home their chairman?
    Would you explain me why they have been in full of demagogues that was targeted to on isolations of those who understand the nature of TPLF?
    Can you tell me why Birhanu spoke in palm talk room to split kinijit in two parts?
    Let me stop enumerating facts known by cyber people.
    Maybe some one may say my conclusion is so hast in relation to those paid agents by internal and externals enemies of Ethiopian.
    But, it can be proven what I am saying from pain within short periods of time.
    The group headed in remote control sensor by Birhanu is another drama of TPLF to save from dying.
    Let me come to my solution.
    Let’s expose mercilessly as now by all means of communication till they stop their malicious act. lets call their name and tell to the world of cyber café how they are grow and aged by chained history of betray .


  13. When I see an Article on Debteraw website under the name ‘AYALINESH ’ on the Tigrigna topic/ the language meaning, Yes ,Yes Belachew Negeru Gebitonal . reminds me my last time comment to object her article and the existence in EPRP or any where in little or adisitu Ethiopia; however, now I agree with the idea of the Ayalinesh existence because the recent article message on the same site under AYALINESH #2 has a power of magnet to unite two different politician from different oppositions party. It is a relief for me and for many people an answer for their question.

    Wow, what a powerful article!!!!!!!! What a magnet!!!

    It has a power of gathering Echogna #1, Echogna #2 and Echogna #3 in one. By the way it was a surprise to see #3 with them why? For me they are only two #2 &3. It was a surprise to see #1 with them #1 is an innocent man who passed through a lot of challenge (MEKERA) Just like me for a number of months. My MEKERA took a year his was only few months .I got a relief as soon as my #3 and #2 agree with the message of AYALINESH and it was other surprise to see #3 with #2 for me again. Why? Because until last minute or until the article posted for reading, he was in different world, and plan. This was my surprise and admiration for the power of the article.

    Why I said power? Because #2 &3 or two of them has very different in personality political view, plan until that article message united them. As soon as that article posted on debteraw they came together in one in little/Adisitua Ethiopia. For most of us it is a miracle as I told you these two very different people start live in one in one idea. What a message!!!

    For #2 I like to say just one thing. If possible it is good Woyane to take you to the place of TSEGAYE DEBTERW and release him also God to put you in a place of the sacrificed Young Ethiopians the beloved friends of EPRP. Because they never died for this current your politic I can’t understand your #3 existence in EPRP or in ETHIOPIA you are working for your Ethiopia you created with Woyane a little Ethiopia and U work hard to attack real Ethiopians in EPRP and in kinijit. You do why you are in EPRP????????

    What amazes me about you is how you related politic and relationship. As soon as u found out that I was not interested with u or loved U for along time since …. You write article to bring all of you #1, #2, #3 in one.

    You are not democrat at all how you accuse and attack the people who disagreed with your idea like me in relationship and like the democrat’s in EPRP As if EPRP is his private property. The sacrificed blood is on your hand. You never win to lead Ethiopia. Greater Ethiopia needs real leaders.

    I love you all EPRP members who are attacked by Hama Tuma articles. TOR SIWOREWOR LENEM LANTEM NEW ENA, When he pushes me to get out of EPRP. I decided to go far away from all of you. But I like to let you know your pain is mine, your wound is mine, and your burden is mind.

    I wonder by one Music “SIDET” (persecution) I have a question for all of you, who is SIDETEGNAW? Who is ASADAjU? From where to where??? It amazes me A lot. I like to tell you my greater Ethiopia is mine. Who can be my ASADAGE???? Our great parents’ blood built this country and it is to bad I do not say ok for the woyane dividing politic like some of you. I still hear this music with a lot of laugh. According to the Woyane politic (KILI) ADISta Ethiopia or litille Ethiopia as they agreed and said yes for woyane politic/kilil and work for him includes Huma Tuma. That is why my above wish for him.

    I am sorry, Hama Tuma I wish always to respect you in many ways especially after I heard your age but you do not act or live according to your age and your seniority. If you live your age you never write that article where you are politician or not. My advice you better work hard for your life after death country.

    Long live for Greater Ethiopia and Ethiopians!!!

  14. When I see an Article on Debteraw website under the name ‘AYALINESH’ on the Tigrigna topic/ the language meaning, Yes ,Yes Belachew Negeru Gebitonal . reminds me my last time comment to object her article and the existence in EPRP or any where in little or adisitu Ethiopia; however, now I agree with the idea of the Ayalinesh existence because the recent article message on the same site under AYALINESH has a power of magnet to unite two different politician from different oppositions party. It is a relief for me and for many people an answer for their question.

    Wow, what a powerful article!!!!!!!! What a magnet!!!

    It has a power of gathering Echogna #1, Echogna #2 and Echogna #3 in one. By the way it was a surprise to see #3 with them why? For me they are only two #2 &3. It was a surprise to see #1 with them #1 is an innocent man who passed through a lot of challenge (MEKERA) Just like me for a number of months. My MEKERA took a year his was only few months .I got a relief as soon as my #3 and #2 agree with the message of AYALINESH and it was other surprise to see #3 with #2 for me again. Why? Because until last minute or until the article posted for reading, he was in different world, and plan. This was my surprise and admiration for the power of the article.

    Why I said power? Because #2 &3 or two of them has very different in personality political view, plan until that article message united them. As soon as that article posted on debteraw they came together in one in little/Adisitua Ethiopia. For most of us it is a miracle as I told you these two very different people start live in one in one idea. What a message!!!

    For #2 I like to say just one thing. If possible it is good Woyane to take you to the place of TSEGAYE DEBTERW and release him also God to put you in a place of the sacrificed Young Ethiopians the beloved friends of EPRP. Because they never died for this current your politic I can’t understand your #3 existence in EPRP or in ETHIOPIA you are working for your Ethiopia you created with Woyane a little Ethiopia and U work hard to attack real Ethiopians in EPRP and in kinijit. You do why you are in EPRP????????

    What amazes me about you is how you related politic and relationship. As soon as u found out that I was not interested with u or loved U for along time since …. You write article to bring all of you #1, #2, #3 in one.

    You are not democrat at all how you accuse and attack the people who disagreed with your idea like me in relationship and like the democrat’s in EPRP As if EPRP is his private property. The sacrificed blood is on your hand. You never win to lead Ethiopia. Greater Ethiopia needs real leaders.

    I love you all EPRP members who are attacked by Hama Tuma articles. TOR SIWOREWOR LENEM LANTEM NEW ENA, When he pushes me to get out of EPRP. I decided to go far away from all of you. But I like to let you know your pain is mine, your wound is mine, and your burden is mind.

    I wonder by one Music “SIDET” (persecution) I have a question for all of you, who is SIDETEGNAW? Who is ASADAjU? From where to where??? It amazes me A lot. I like to tell you my greater Ethiopia is mine. Who can be my ASADAGE???? Our great parents’ blood built this country and it is to bad I do not say ok for the woyane dividing politic like some of you. I still hear this music with a lot of laugh. According to the Woyane politic (KILI) ADISta Ethiopia or litille Ethiopia as they agreed and said yes for woyane politic/kilil and work for him includes Huma Tuma. That is why my above wish for him.

    I am sorry, Hama Tuma I wish always to respect you in many ways especially after I heard your age but you do not act or live according to your age and your seniority. If you live your age you never write that article where you are politician or not. My advice you better work hard for your life after death country.

    Long live for Greater Ethiopia and Ethiopians!!!

  15. first i like to thank the writer for standing up to this idiots and on the side of truth.truth will perviel it is a matter of time.the last couple of weeks we saw all the cheerleadrs negotiating with woyanies. In the near future we will know more about nega and his irelevant bunch.insult,gossip,dehumanize,rob his dignty some even wished his death .what kind of people are this wishing on another person. mr shwakena talks about outrage. you should be outrage with your own bunch.want

  16. Hello everybody this who posted in the above in the name of Ayalinesh is nothing but he is a man who Works and serves for is intended to divert our attention from main topics and guide to side issues. So ignore the ignorant him. The cowards and the worthless have no a gut other than acting in such under democratic ways.
    What TPLF made a wrong decision in the selection of under cover agents in the Diasporas community is like those who fortified in Kil.why they are wrong is that they could not serve them because the Diasporas have already known the true characters of them by us. It is wasting of money as well as time to assign those people again. Do you understand? I do not think that you understand what I am saying since you belongs of those the missing links between men and animals.

  17. Hello everybody this who posted in the above in the name of Ayalinesh is nothing but he is a man who Works and serves for is intended to divert our attention from main topics and guide to side issues. So ignore the ignorant . The cowards and the worthless have no a gut other than acting in such under democratic ways.
    What TPLF made a wrong decision in the selection of under cover agents in the Diasporas community is like those who fortified in Kil.why they are wrong is that they could not serve them because the Diasporas have already known the true characters of them by us. It is wasting of money as well as time to assign those people again. Do you understand? I do not think that you understand what I am saying since you belongs of those the missing links between men and animals.

  18. The foreign policies of TPLF are negatively affected by the Diasporas Ethiopian community in the aftermath of May 2005 election. Even their narrow ethnical support and base was highly trembled since the crack within the hard core of EPRDF, TPLF.because Meles privileged policy to Eritrean creats dis harmony between Tigreans.
    Due to the above reason, the Zenawi regime could not continue in his deceiving policies of the donor community, thanks to the Ethiopian opposition’s group awareness creations through the Diasporas community.
    It is very difficult to TPLF to continue under such circumstance and bad image by the donor community unless other wise they designed some mechanism to silence the massive forces of the Diasporas community.
    As we recall, first, they try to cool down the hot movement by having direct dialog with the Diasporas by assigning their higher officials of delegation.fortunatly this could not become realized because of the strong unified action of the Ethiopian Diasporas community.
    The second measure what the TPLF regime was taken is to bribe the Diasporas by giving a piece of land. This one also becomes a failure.
    The remaining tactic is now what they are doing through their newly recruited forces meaning to say the BBB groups.
    I am quite sure this will be the last attempt to silence the Diasporas community by creating a suspicion and desperation.
    Hence it is also for us a question of life or death for our country to reunify our selves.

  19. እኔ ያልገባኝ ነገር የቅንጅቱ አንጃ መሪ ደ/ር ብርሃኑ፣
    ወደትግሉ አውድማ ኢትዮጵያ ያልገቡት በተማሩበት ዩኒበርሲቲ ስራ ስላገኙ ነው ተብሏል.
    ሌሎች ባልደረቦቻቸው የተመለሱት ስራ ስላላገኙ ነው እንዴት ነው ነገሩ
    አልገባኝም ሚስጥሩ
    ቢቢ ቡድን እባካችሁ ተናገሩ
    ደሞስ ትግል ላንድ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲ መሪ የፓርት ታይም ስራ ነው እነዴ
    እባካችሁ ወገኖቸ ይህ ጥያቄ የተገለጸላችሁ መልስ በመስጠት ተባበሩኝ
    በቅድሚያ ለሚሰጠኝ መልስ ላመሰግን እወዳለሁ
    የናንተው ቆምጫምባው ነኝ

  20. Dear Getachew,

    This era of cyber and paltalk politics has taught us a lot. The number one lesson is how to diceren the hallucinators and paranoid from the sane ones. Some months ago i met one paltalk fighter in a meeting somewhere. After a minuts discussion, i regretted my old paltalk attendance. It was waste of time since i was trying to persuade this alcholic man to be civilised when he makes discussion points.Like Getachew Reda all his talks are on Andargathcew, Birhane Mewa etc.

    Here again, many fictious personlities who are completely detached from the reality of Ethiopian politics now and then tell us about personalities. The surprising thing is they also congratulate each other for their insane ideas.

    Let me tell you some facts. The Ethiopian ppl at home do not know a person like Getachew, Iyassu, ayalnesh etc. So they do not give a damn about what you ppl do here in the cyber world. As Getachew does many times , you yourself wrote an article , you you yourself comment on it and a bunch of insane ppl froom the same table read it. Period. No impact on Ethiopian politics at all. You ppl created a fictious story where Birhanu Nega gave birht to a baby. You yourself believed. The other Ethiopian just only learned how insane you ppl are.

    The other fact is as long as you write defamatory articles it also creates positive publicity to the labeled personalities. Thanks to your defamatory articles more ppl are oblighêd to come together for the cause BBB uphold; democracy and freedom for Ethiopia.

    The othe third fact is you are pushing ppl to be more detached from EPRP. As you may know Ethiopians of all walk of life used to appreciate the bravery and patriotism of the heros of 1960’s EC. Now you are helping ppl to understand the good causes EPRP had been fighting for are buried with the heros of the time. The existing EPRP , if there is any, is a forgid one since it has no charachter or geniunity of the sort we saw in the old days. Therefore, there is an urgent need to reincarnate geniune EPRP that will focus on the enemy of Ethiopian ppl; dictatorship. The current EPRP as one of my friend put is only an opposition of opposition. No vision, no charachter, nothing just collection of ppl who are experts in conspiracy theory.

    Anyway, the camel is moving how long the dogs bark.

    Waiting for your tantrums,

  21. THe writer by the name AYALINESH and #1,#2, #3 not working for TPLF the all working for AMHARA or KINIJIT NA.#2 and #3 common politic is the interest of Amhara not all Ethiopia that is why they came together. There is no other reason for one Gojame politician from Kil the one he hosted on Teasae radiothe one who was insulting and braodcast negative propaganda againest the Five deligation. That means he still continues his job after he moved to Kil as usaul to work against Burtukan Midekisa againest Kil politic. why he deos not move to EPRP instead of Kil do what ever he want with Huma Tuma to Kil.I think there are his people in Kil. He is the poison of Kil!!!!!!!!

  22. To Ayalinesh and to all of you in kil

    The Tensae radio Host #3 Returning in KIl??????? here you have the truth,

    The #3 returning back to kil again and agree with #2 is to work under cuver for Amhara org.

    It is the same as Hama Tuma’s interferance to KInijit againest Kil to insult and attack W/t Burtukan and all other leaders like before while he host Tensae radio but with different stratagy for the interest of Ato Hailu Shawul’s group interst.

    The #2 stratagey to Use #3 is to distroy the Kil’s politic and to attack Burtukan and all leaders in kil. Kil,Please, watch these men closly.He better join EPRP not Kil as long as he has common politic with Hama or #3 .

  23. Hama Tuma and all Three please get your lesson from Ato ESEYE the one you hate and write your article with the name Ayalinesh.

    There is no ethinic sibisib instead Ethiopia is one Country. Oromo is not your enemy ethier ok Hama Tuma Oromo like me is an Ethiopian too.
    Thank you Ato Eseye!

  24. Ayalinesh

    The enemies of the three for their politic or for the separetion from you are thier supporters not you

    For the #1
    For #2
    For #3

    Their enemies are their supporter everybody knows the truth, so take it easy and go ahead with your new life .Good luke!!!

  25. Yeshiharegiye take it easy we all knows what is going on.

    You separetion from #1 it is because of Mirchaw(Kic)interferance.

    Your separetion from #2 it is because of the Toronto Kinijit( Kic)interferance

    Your separetion from #3 it is the Journalist interferance unprofessionaly againest journalist ethic.

    My advise for you is everybody knows how much you love Amhara people and how much you proud with your Amhara identiy and Oromo identity.

    Forget Hama he is lost with his politic with norrow minded Conservativness.

    Good luck with your new life gorget arogant politician!!!My wonder is how Hama pull the innocent #1 to his advantage by forgeting what he did to him.

  26. Thank you Ato ESEY

    Teach Hama Tuma and all ignorat politician with your matured political understanding.

  27. To all of you in Kil,

    Whatch her Ex-Echogna #3 the Tensae radio host who was working for Kic and for the best interest of Ato Hailu Shaul. Now he moved to Kil? and still he has common interest with Hama Tuma ? this means he still work for Kic like Hama Tuma. please,Watch let your eye on him.Open up!

  28. Good Sayisema Meskerem/Janaury Ayitebam

    Hama tuma’s called him the father of little Ethiopia and creates the mother of Little Ethiopia. by pulling the innocent woman for thier mission.

    The truth is the mother of Greater Ethiopia is our W/t Burtukan Midekisa.our fathers are the five Deligetions and who stand with them.

  29. I was trying to separet from both #2 and #3 politician with respect from the bottom of my heart by wishing good luck infront of you but their interest for political game achivment is put them on this position.

    They are conservative and narrow mined who work for kic (both) under cuver.

    I agree with the people who believe our Mother is “Ethiopia” and I agree with people who said Mother is W/tBurtukan Midekisa and the kil leader are our fathers. Let me add
    We have also step-fathers for Great Ethiopians, Ato Hailu Shawul and all the KIC leaders.

    Ethiopia is huge/Big/Wide country not the collection of Ethinics but one country
    ref. Ato ESAYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Ayalinesh

    You are a hero woman who knows your right, I always apreciate your determination to say no for these two Politician not to use your Oromo identity for their political advantage.

    If it was their interest to atract the Oromo people, let them respect the Oromo people human right. First of all Oromo people are not fool like them who think that they are good people who respect Oromo only they have the Oromo wife.
    You are a hero of all Ethiopawie Oromo woman who said no for politician not to be a game card as you always you say. Bravo !!!Yeshi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up until you get the right sou- mate do not be a game card for arogant politician like #2 Hama Tuma & #2 Tensae radio host.

    Women learn to say NO!!!!!!!! for arogant Ethiopian men like those two.

  31. I have music choice for Echogna #3 the Tensae radio host


    WUKAW HODAMINETU LEZIH KABEKAWU!!! WUKAW!!!WIKAW!!! Wukaw!!! He deos not want to separet from me with peace and respect when I said to him Good luck many times.

    Why he go to join Hama Tuma??? What is his political stand???? Kil becare full there is nobody clean who stand with Hama Tuma.Hama Tuma is the step Father of all Ethiopians and EPRP< the enbarasment of the secrificed ethiopians for EPRP!

    So please Wukut!!!!

  32. To make sure for my information of the unity and the political similarity of Hama Tuma the EPRP #2 & the Tensae host #3 is conformed by the VOA mestawot program for hwho are interested you can listen the saterday Jan.5/08 Mestawot program.

    If you are not still sure what I am talking about let me know because I have information from trusted source I can post for you right on this site.
    Let me know.

  33. Let me leave the judgement for the Ethiopia people what these two politician are doing on my life #3 Hama Tuma and #2 Tensae radio former host
    This email was the one I sent for them by saying good luck stop involving in my life Read and you can judge.

    Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!
    CC:,,,,,,,,,,,, offic@ethiocommun.or

    HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]

    It is hard to believe it is one year Already! Wow!!!
    “Merry charismas & Happy New year”
    I would like to apologize all of U who may involved direct & indirect with the situation I was in & offended by my reaction. I love to move on to the New Year with new spirit and life which I strongly believe; it is good for all of us.
    My apology is for the people to all political org/party members/ supporters and for all of you in different Medias and ‘the two Men’ from right and left.

    I would like to ask you to understand my reaction was my everyday challenge of life which I believe it came from the life I can’t adapted in this political world or the situation I pass through, It may be the life style I used to lived for a long time and still trying to carry on and live in the current life of me. I believe in you to understand positively my explanation beyond my words.

    I would like to apology all Amhara ethnic.

    Specially, ‘Ato Huma Tuma’ I would like to apologizing you in public for mentioning your name on the Debteraw website a couple of times and accusing you for Racism or Zeregna.I appreciate you understanding to sees my side of emotion and for helping me to stand for my right as an Ethiopiawit.

    For both of you this is my word from the bottom of my heart; sorry I can not be your blessing in your life.

    I wish U a merry charismas and happy New Year!!! God bless with you politic and personal life. I am ok, be free to do what ever you want to do in your love life I wish all happiness to you with a lot of love & blessing.

    This wish is for the other man from tensae or Seattle/Washi . I do not force anybody for love I never did it in my life, so good luck if you are not interested with me. I am ok, be free to do what ever you want to do in your love life. I wish all happiness to you with a lot of love & blessing.

    The one I said to VOA is much exaggerated but it is ok with me if that gives them a freedom for their mind and professional life.

    I do not ashamed for the place and respect I have for ‘Love’.

    I do not want to go farther than this and explain as all of U knows it is the long time scenario / drama which all of us hurt badly each other.
    I would like to thank all of you who were involved my life positively in different ways to be a blessing. God bless U too!!!
    Thank you!

    The Hama Tuma Article Ayalinesh on Tigrigna Topic is the response for revange .
    The tensae host is to keep his fallen moral to lift up to the highest. What he did was he spread a propaganda on his his supporters media as if he is a gentlman to reconcil with me he lift his fallen moral by changing his mind with silly reason the message of Ayalinesh article.
    See I leave the judgement to U.


  34. Mr ,Kil,(sami)
    If insanity is to go along with the interests of the Ethiopian people, yes we deserved to be called insane.
    If insanity is not to have a chained history of defection, yes indeed we are insane and suffered on paranoid case.
    If insanity is not to keel down under the foot of our enemy like your BB,yes we are definitely insane.
    The most surprising things what I read on your comment is that, an allegation of defamation.
    Sami,in order to be defamed some one must has a fame.
    Fame built on to mottos, and to live in harmony with your own core values and principles.
    On the contrary a man who has an entire history of defection cannot talk and have a moral right about defamation.
    Because he has no a name to be defamed
    ስም የሚጠፋው አስቀድሞ ስም ሲኖር ነው.
    አቶ ሳሚ ያንተ መሪዎች የመጠሪያ ስም እንጅ የአላማ ስም ስሌላቸው
    ስም መጥፋትና አለመጥፋት እነሱን አይመለከትም.

  35. Call

    To Human Right Watchers

    I need help

    Please help me to stop my enemies from blocking my marriage life or from prevent me to marry.
    I can’t write more than this, it is not secret for all of you, so please help me.
    For the one who want more information to help me ,This is my email address I can provide information.

    Thank you

  36. I would like to ask medias to stop working hard to block my marraige life .Please do not prevent me from marraige.

    You are playing more than a year with my life,
    I would like to ask you to stop your fake play.

    Enough is Enough!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. To the diferent media hosts and Administers

    I would like to ask you to stop working hard to block my marraige life .

    Please do not prevent me from marraige.

    You had more than a year to play with my life,
    I would like to ask you to stop your fake play.

    Enough is Enough!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. Dear Feyisa
    From your article I would like to quote this one…“appreciate the bold steps and good will of Enginer Hailu Shawel in this regard though backfiring at the moment.” It is realy bold but wrong and really backfired. It has happened to Lidetu with that much boldness but untold results. It is because of underestimating intellect of the people. For those who are interested in individuals glory than the issue, it is the same, it backfires. As Tilahun Gessese song (amelikach tat) is saying andegnawa tatih (amelkach tat) wodelelam sitasay aratu wodante new yemiamelekitut (it may not said as it is). What I am saying is those who are interested in name calling than politics you are insulting yourself and it backfires as expose what you are. To your surprise we Ethiopians here in the country know better to whom to support and reject.

  39. Now Every thing becmome clear.

    Now, It is clear for most of us.
    Now, we know to appoint our fingers straight to FEYISAWOCH.

    *AYAL,You are a HERO.

    keep your smile and take care!!!

    I appreciate your courage and strength.

    Wolad Bedibab Tihid! You have God!!!!!!!!!!!


    It is good to know where to appoint you fingers,

    Ayal, Keep up your smile!

  41. Tewalidenal , Tegabitenal yilunal but the truthis Minidinachihu Yilunal.

    Egnam Awikenal Gudugad Misenal


    I have read the comment on Debteraw about appointing finger And I still wondering!!!!!!!!!!!
    Four fingers should be on Feyisawoch not on her because I believe she is a victim too. At this time Amhara men or Amhara politic victimized by Her accusers not by her. I have not seen any where when she accuses Amhara with human right case, instead she always declair her Amhara identity to us. The game player is OLF or TIZITA Belacho to an Ethiopian politic and all Amhara’s mind.How come some body who has the good consciousness blame Zed???

    I remember the forwarded email (It is deleted now)from her the one she wrote to Ato Hailu Shawle, she clearly stated that she is a victim of both ethnics. In my understanding she knows who her enemy is .From the begining why Amhara stand beside OLF. All of us know who she is as an Ethiopian. I believe she is a victim of both ethnic and a huge mistake done by Amhara who accepted the OLF agenda to attack an Ethiopian woman.

    How come an Ethiopian politician stand for OLF complain to attack an Ethiopian and said I am strragling for Ethiopians?
    Why OLF did not finish his problem with her? If OLF has a complain againest her why he did not finish by court or by any means? First of all, why Amhara accepted OLF’s complain?

    This is my problem ? Do you think she never victimised by Amhara? come on!

    Sent from Yahoo! – a smarter inbox.

  43. As I got a chance to learn from their history Professor Asrat was stand and straggled for all Ethiopians, Amhara or for Ethiopian Oromo who was victimized by OLF. These days it amazes me to see few people and some of politicians fighting for OLF agenda and jeopardized an Ethiopian politic to the best interest of OLF, OLF for himself Gudigad Yikofiral. All Ethiopians should stand with Ethiopians not beside OLF. There is no reason to defend OLF to attack an Ethiopian.There is no such politic unless you started now , and it is unacceptable by /us/all Ethiopian.

  44. Professor ASRAT straggled and died for all Ethiopians Amhara & Oromo Ethiopians and all Human right.

    Ethiopia and Ethiopians First!!!!!
    Let politician work hard to answer the Ethiopia people question !!!

    The agenda of Ethiopa and Ethiopians first!!!

    The separetion agenda of OLF is not the Ethiopia people agenda!!!

  45. The Ethiopia peaople Agenda first!!!

    Ethiopian journalist who work for the separetion agenda of OLF as thier priorty let them go to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
    The Ethiopian people question is should be first!!!!!!!!

    Those journalist put the Ethiopian politic jeopardized and OLF play with their mind.

    Shame on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  46. Sidet Ager yetemarikut Music,By the way I already forgot the Well known musica “TZITA” and this is my curent music

    Yesew yelew Mogn (2)
    Kehageru Kewenzu Kesifraw sigegn
    Yesw Yelew Mogn

    This is my advise for all Sidetegnoch
    Sing with me .

    Real Woman knows real man!!!!!KKKKKKK

  47. My real man is #3 Echogna read his new article

    My Mekera TIZITA is not with me any more.I am Happy with my God and by #3

    Ç™Te| ™y €«— cw|T YIc+
    eÅe|T Hm%euT eT| Hv&¿c+””
    ™e^ ±Ö” Ñx`®+J— A¼ ™Å R`¼T |
    A¼ wÆ ›Ã|m` H™IP ›e×|””

  48. Sorry the last one was taken from Ham Tuma’s New article the first Peom.

    Read it from his article on first page.
    Thank you Hama Tuma for your article.
    You are real leader.

  49. Complain!!!!!!!!!KKKKKKKKKKK

    My #3 Melese, my real man gave me a visa even before I asked him,
    What a Surprise for all of us !!!!!!! That is why I rewarded him with RAEL Man NOVEL price in return. Take it MAN!!!!!!! Because U back up me with your sympathy and visa!!!!!!!!!!


    However’ I have prevented the visa by his Cadres like before. To bad for both of us Right???or Is it your own another betrayal surprise for me????????? Ataregewim BiYE Slemalasib Bizum Aligeremegn, kkkkkkkkkkk , The current drama is the witness for all of us.
    Let the public know he gave me a visa Thursday and betrayed me on Saturday,
    yeLIG Chewata !!!

    That is why I play right here the return game. kkkkkkkkkkk.
    I will write the book and I am sure you are writing the book which I will claim the share from the sale, KKKKKKKK let the public entertain by our paly!!!!!!!

    My current Music :

    Enem Ager Alegn Yemitay Beruku!!!

    Take Gonder province GONDERoch
    Take Shewa province Shewawoch
    Gojamem Gojamin

    Thank God, According to my Bible, my Ager is the place where I stand at any time.
    My Ethiopia was built by our grandparents not only by yours, so Ethiopia is mine too.

    For anybody who are interested to play the game like before in politics or by media.

    POLITICIANS and diferent Medias to let you know your job will not affect me any more negatively or positively. I understand you are working to attract the public attention and subscribers so I decided to cooperate.
    For the politicians, I am trying to understand your way of straggle /political strategy for what you believe. Which is for Ethiopia but (it amazes me what kind of Ethiopia you are trying to build that does not included me) you are the politician , I am not, you know better than me, so I have give you my permission and I am trying not be affected by your political game to win your politic. I let you know I will not affected in any ways negatively or positively any more, so go ahead. Good luck.

    By the way never btrayed # 2 he is the one who betrayed me and teaches me the music

    YESEW YELEW MOGN.??? !!!!kkkkkkkkk

  50. Correction #3 is the one who btreyed me

    # 2 is my real man the one who always has the real interset but both have a problem the cadres interferance to reunion and live the real life.

  51. Yihuda??? Yihuda???? Yihuda??? Who?

    Yemanin???….. wode Emaye ????????

    Please,No more another new epesode Focuse on your real politic.

    Let the peace and the love of God be with all of us.

    I am done! YIBEKANAL,Ok! NOw we know each other.

    The current Music

    Hulunim Neger leyiche (Ayichewalehu )
    Kifat Deginetinm Bihon Fikerinm (real one) Awkewalehu
    Where is a man who died for real love?????

    Just Jesus!!! No one else,

    Good luck.

    Ethiopia prevails!!!

  52. U EPRP ppl are incredibly vindictive. Let me tell u somethin. I nominated Andargachew to the CUDP Supreme Council. He was elected unanimously. He wasn’t appointed by Brehanu or anyone. Your name smearing campaigns are just pathetic. Literally all members of the Kestedemena Central Council are alive, and those who were in attendance of the meeting in which Andy was elected will simply be embarrassed for you ppl. Afernbachihu

  53. Hatred is drivin you ppl crazy and oblivous to the truth. U allege that Andargachew was handpicked by Brehanu. Nothing could be further from the truth. Let me tell you something.Andargachew was elected by the Central Council of Kestedemena for membership in the CUD Superior Council. I NOMINATED HIM, and he was elected unanimously. Nigist was there. She was among those who cast votes for Andargachew. All of the former members of Kestedemena Central Council are alive. We are living witnesses about the election process. But you people continue making one lie after another. We are embarrassed for you!!!

  54. Mr wolde Negodguad,

    What a white lie! Are u saying that the statement of Andargachew himself is not true. He said that he was endorsed by Berhanu and became member of the ledership at his absence without becoming a member. Is that untrue? You told us that you are member of Kestedemena. Both you, Adargachew and DrDolittle prove that the party is formed by bunch of liars. Simpley, you are Wolde Liar not Wolde Negodguad unless you want to be an example for the Amharic say “Melke Tifun MEsim Yidegfu”

  55. “Melke Tifun Besim Yidegifu”

  56. EPRP always corapted by Kic not by Kil.

  57. The enemy of EPRP is KiC,So EPRP your focose shoild be on them.

    Telatima Mingizem Telat Naw
    Askedimo Megidel Ashokushakiwin Naw.

    Good Luck!

  58. Andargachew might say whatever he wants. He was elected in absentia. He was in the UK at the time when Kestedemena conducted the election of members of CUD supereme council from its side.That doesn’t change the fact that he was elected democratically. There was no need for Brehanu or anyone to influence ppl to elect Andargachew. Everyone knew that he deserved the position by MERIT.I am sure he would have been elected for the executive committee of the CUD from Kest side if he was in Ethiopia.

  59. The two politician #2 and #3 who was trying to take advantage of my woman identity, finally defeated!!! I am glad !!!

    I am the winner of the game . I were told them from the begning they are palying a political game which I never approved it,so they are out of the picture of my life, thank god!!!

    Music choice

    I am free,free, netsa negn,netsa negn!!! here you go no more player!!

  60. I have asked them to reconcile and to focuse on their politic,even if I do not asked to fight for me or about me instead I always ask them to stop fighting and to leave me alone but they were hoping they may win but I knew from the begning there is no winner.

    Now let them reconcile after they lost their hope to win , All are defeated the winner is my God,Jesus and Me.Eli,li,li, li,li

  61. You missing facebook application called fLove or facebookLove.

  62. American guys would not go to other countries for love/sex to get a variety of causes.
    The first is if most women in the U.S. were not so fat.
    Certain there are men that can not find the
    money for to journey or are uninelligent, so that they settle for any fat
    woman and reside a uninteresting existence even when they are saying their wife or girlfriend is “hot” yet the
    size of the Ford Tundra. The 2nd is only a minority of females are tremendous sizzling in the U.
    S. A minimal percentage of sizzling girls in the united states,
    makes them go for either some muscle buff homos or some billionare.
    Amongst the young hot girls, they are sexually turned off by
    intelligence of any type or sophistication.
    So what must a guy of decent looks using a high
    education do ? Go accept some fatty ? Why should he, when he features a higher opportunity in getting the existence he wants in other locations on this planet, Appear in the the many years he missed out in college where scorching women have no sexual interest in
    intelligence and use MTV as their normal of the guy. Logically talking, it really is much better for an informed guy of respectable appears to visit places
    exactly where nearly all girls are
    super hot and exotic such as Jap Europe/Russia,parts of Latin The usa, and some components of Asia.

    So how come females in america, as well as their closeted homosexual male supporters lash out at their fellow
    American guys for taking pleasure in life or looking for out a real life ?
    I’ve no difficulty if women chose a existence they need, why can not males ?

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